In July 2022 Kate conducted some brief fieldwork in the Netherlands. She caught the last day of the "REVOLUSI! Indonesia Independent" exhibition at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam and subsequently wrote a piece for Inside Indonesia on her thoughts on this. She also visited the monument in Hoorn of the controversial figure J. P Coen who both founded the city of Jakarta but also oversaw the Banda massacre in 1621 as commander of the VOC. At the same time she observed a range of museums in the Netherlands including the Westfries Museum in Hoorn, the Amsterdam Museum and the Maritime Museum in Amsterdam.
From March until May 2023 Kate undertook her first fieldwork trip to Indonesia where she spent time in Malang, Surabaya and Lasem (East Java): Semarang, Solo and Yogyakarta (Central Java): Medan (North Sumatra), Bandung (West Java) and the capital of Jakarta. Here she conducted many interviews with a range of communities that engage with colonial history and heritage and historical re-enactment including the Roodebrug Suarabaya and Begandring Soerabaya groups. She also met with some artists who have taken up colonial history in their work such as F X Harsono (see below). She also visited and documented a range of museums that deal with this history including the Museum Multatuli in Lebak (pictured below), the Nyah Lasem Museum in Lasem, the Plantation Museum and Tjong Afie Mansion in Medan and the Maritime Museum in Jakarta.
In late October to November 2023 Kate also travelled to Sawahlunto, Padang and Bukitinggi (West Sumatra) for further research focusing on the UNESCO world heritage listing of Sawahlunto as a former colonially created mining town and its surrounding areas. She examined how this history is now presented in a series of new museums including the Museum Goedang Ransoem (Public Kitchen Museum) and Museum Tambang Batu Bara Soero (Soero Coal Mining Tunnel Museum) pictured below.